The Knight and the Page Debate Their Life’s Work

We're both traveling under clear / skies, without a breath of wind.

We're both traveling under clear
skies, without a breath of wind.
But I know what I'm after. I have
fire and purpose. I hold my horse
steady as it charges. My landscape
is stark, my hills craggy and bare.
I move forward on this sure-footed
steed. Salamanders writhe, ignite
my spirit. I am of fire. Callow one,
you caution patience, but no one
can stay in stasis without airflow.

                   Cavalier, your energy kindles heat
                   and you’ve seen the world. I have
                   no horse nor familiar, but I nurture
                   nascent growth. Not fully formed,
                   I’ve donned no armor. I can shift
                   my weight to where I’m headed.
                   My landscape verdant, its blooms
                   sprouting new. One plowed field
                   planting-ready among the green.
                   I kneel before your savoir-faire
                   but urge you to quiet your heart.