The Town Crier
The Town Crier operated as a hub for criticism and commentary, connecting a community of writers, readers, and commentators through social media, and focusing on the interplay of literary opinion in and around the city of Toronto until its closure in February 2021.
Viewer Digression Advised: Netflix is Not a Publishing Course // Nathaniel Moore
Nathaniel Moore closes out his guest-edited month giving a behind-the-scenes look at the depths of the process of publishing one’s work. -
American Poetry // Angela Hibbs
As part of our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Angela Hibbs shares some thoughts and recommendations on American poetry. -
Preface/Emplotment/Porn // Tony Burgess
As part of our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Tony Burgess shares an excerpt from his upcoming novel. -
Art Saves Lives // Angela Black
As part of our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Angela Black writes about power in creating and sharing art. -
Viral: That Week I Was Literally Literarily Famous… Sort of… // Morgan Murray
As part of our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Morgan Murray writes about his first novel, "Dirty Birds." -
Excerpt: Connection at Newcombe // Kayt Burgess
For our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Kayt Burgess shares this excerpt from "Connection at Newcombe." -
Paranormal Pandemia // Charlie Petch
As part of our guest edited month exploring publishing and the emotionality of sharing writing, Charlie Petch shares a poem. -
Living the Lives // Rebecca Fisseha
As part of our guest edited month exploring the emotionality of sharing writing, Rebecca Fisseha writes about the complexities of researching for a book. -
Trust Your Future Self: The Art of the Graphic Memoir // D. Boyd
In our guest edited month exploring the emotionality of sharing writing, D. Boyd writes about grappling with challenging but rewarding thought processes. -
There Will Be Bylines // Nathaniel Moore
Nathaniel Moore steps in as guest editor for the month of February, looking at the depths of the process of publishing one’s work. -
blueberries (3) // emilie kneifel
A column of micro-reviews: a scribble-column about how words taste. like blurbs, sure, but bluer. by poet and critic emilie kneifel. -
Excerpt from Notice// Dustin Cole
This exerpt from Dustin Cole's Notice,published by Nightwood Editions in October 2020, is presented in partnership with moorehype.