Austin Clarke Prize Winners
Fiction – Judge: Canisia Lubrin
- WINNER: Paradise Lost by Ash Kaul
- RUNNER-UP: Mom Camp by Véronique Darwin
Poetry – Judge: Liz Howard
- WINNER: hybridity as a phantom body by Jordan Redekop-Jones
- RUNNER UP: Ballad of an Indonesian Jackal by Julianna Putri Tan
Fiction – Judge: Cody Caetano
- WINNER: Bedtime Routine by Zoe Charlotte Greenberg
- RUNNER-UP: A Moment for Indra Singh by Trent Lewin
Poetry – Judge: Billy-Ray Belcourt
- WINNER: Praise Us, For We Are Dead by Fareh Malik
- RUNNER-UP: inheritance by Nikki Ummel
Fiction – Judge: Casey Plett
- WINNER: A Trip to the City by Marianne Agnes
- RUNNER UP: Like Triumph by Damian Tarnopolsky
Poetry – Judge: Doyali Islam
- WINNER: Backyard Fence by Tea Gerbeza
- RUNNER UP: before dispossession there was just soil by Moni Brar
Fiction – Judge: Francesca Ekwuyasi
- Winner: Perfect Little Angels by Vincent Anioke
- Runner Up: The Upper Bright World by Zilla Jones and Runner Up: Playing Possum by Ian Gillespie
Poetry – Judge: Jordan Abel
- Winner: Same Ocean by David Ly
- Runner Up: Shelter by Erin Soros