Issue 53: Spring 2021

tattoo ideas

a heart weighed against a brick/ a skull broken in the places that my jaw was broken

a heart weighed against a brick
a skull broken in the places that my jaw was broken
alessandra giliani cutting open a cadaver
a robot building its own legs
a cartoon heart with my own name in it
an octopus lighting a molotov cocktail
a stigmata growing roses
the community defense number
my parents’ first apartment in back of the tailorshop
a pretty woman
an ugly woman
the shadow of a skunk
a bottle of generic ketchup
pigeons hanging from a wire
the smokestacks of the hospital where I was born
a candle, lit
a candle, blown out
my lips before the surgery
my lover as a saint in triptych
assata’s silhouette
a brain with the prefrontal cortex scribbled out
son house singing death letter blues to a jim crow crowd
a pig’s head on a spike
the three bridges
the shipping routes
the ravine where the city workers got my ring back
a sleeping bear
an acorn with the moon inside it
a letter to my parents saying I forgive them
a match
a pair of scissors
a white pine tree
a bleeding maple leaf, upside down
the tower, falling