"ratchet up to reconsider" and "handle with care"
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ratchet up to reconsider
after P. Staff
scream of stasis
stasis stasis stasis stasis stasis stasis stasis stasis
thrumming urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency
against the pressure of goodness goodness goodness goodness
find time find time find time time time time time time time time
tilted tilted tilted tilted out tilted out tilted out tilted out of joint
static haze electrifies currents current currents current currents
built by body by body by body by body by body by body by body
body as flashpoint body as flashpoint body as flashpoint body as
digging digging into haptic engagements digging into haptic dig
the poem is body the poem is body the poem is body the poem
is body the body is the poem the body is the poem the body is
the poem the body the poem the body the poem the body body
speed tempo speed tempo speed tempo speed tempo at which
each work each work each work each work each work work work
an energetic accumulation a debris an energetic accumulation a
a debris an energetic accumulation a debris an energetic debris
tilted tilted tilted tilted tilted tilted tilted tilted on its axis tilted
just enough to ask to ask to ask how does violence reconstitute
the body? retinal burn extended retinal burn extended retinal
burn extended burn extended retinal burn extended retinal burn
extended retinal extended burn retinal extended burn retinal
extended burn retinal burn extended retinal burn burn extended
retinal extended retinal burn just enough to ask extended retinal
burn burn retinal burn extended retinal burn extended retinal
burn extended retinal retinal retinal burn extended violence
extended complexity extended layered extended retinal burn
goodness burn light burn body burn goodness burn light burn joy
burn body burn goodness burn light burn joy burn body extended
what is it like to truly live in a world on fire? extended extended
handle with care
after Jin-me Yoon
conditions of work
may soon document
consequence of digitization
until then re/write
re/wild the interwoven—
this theatre, under the stars