Issue 56: Winter 2022 is Here!
Dear Readers,
I'm happy to announce that Issue 56: Winter 2022 is finally here!
This issue’s fiction features “Tree of Sorrow” by Silmy Abdullah, “And For My Next Trick, I’ll Disappear” by Toby Sharpe, and “Stories About You” by Kornelia Drianovski.
In poetry, check out “I Left The Boy Forever” by John Elizabeth Stintzi, “biidaaban” by Samantha Martin-Bird, “At the bar, someone insists Blake Griffin is overrated and something rises in me to defend him” and “On the internet, skull emojis are being used to denote laughter” by Eric Wang, “Bathing” by Terese Mason Pierre, “Space” by Nancy Jo Cullen, “A Sichuan Diaspora Daughter's Kitchen” by Yilin Wang, and “Offering Street” by Tara Skurtu.
In this season’s essays, explore “For Gender’, See ‘Turtles’: Experiments in Empathetic Biology” by Callum Angus and “Mango Graves” by Vanessa Mancos.
Then, in our interviews section, read Annick MacAskill interview with Nanci Lee where the pair discuss Lee’s upcoming debut full-length poetry collection Hsin, ancient Chinese philosophy, poetic form, community, and ceremony. Next, read the conversation between Liz Howard and Matthew James Weigel where they reflect on creation, emergence, community, acts of resistance, artistic influences, and many more ideas through an extended exchange of emails.
This issue’s reviews section features a review of Miriam Toews’ Fight Night by Natalie Podaima and a review of Derek McCormack’s Judy Blame’s Obituary: Writings on Fashion and Death by Juan Camilo Velasquez.
Finally, I’m pleased to welcome Poonam Dhir to the team as our new Interviews editor!
And with that we present Issue 56. We hope you enjoy our very latest.
All the best,
The Editors