Issue 54: Summer 2021 is Here!
Dear Readers,
Summer might be coming to a close, but would it ever be complete without a new issue from The Puritan? Of course not. With that, I'm happy to announce that Issue 54: Summer 2021 is finally here!
This issue’s fiction features “Name and Date” by Clara Otto, “Discovery of Flight” by Zilla Jones, and “Back to Where You Came From” by Andrea Gunraj.
In poetry, check out an excerpt from Môn_Tréal by Oana Avasilichioaei and Zoë Skoulding, “Invocation” by Bingh, “Yankee Boys of Argentia” and “Carpentry” by Joe Bishop, “The Siblings” by Marlon Hacla (translated by Kristine Ong Muslim), “The New Combini” by Sara Truuvert, two poems by Shahin Sadeghzadeh (translated by Khashayar Mohammadi), “[Thine eyes I love, and they, as pitying me,]” by Trevor Ketner, and three poems from STONES SERIES by Malcolm Sanger.
In this season’s essays, explore cosmologies, cosmopolitics, and cosmopoetics with Alexei Perry Cox. Then, in our interviews section, read the conversation between Carrie Jenkins and Shereen Lee on Jenkin’s Victoria Sees It.
Finally, this issue’s reviews section features a review of Callum Angus’s A Natural History of Transition by Cleo Peterson and Pik-Shuen Fung’s Ghost Forest by Sheung-King.
And with that we present Issue 54. We hope you enjoy our very latest.
All the best,
The Editors