Austin Clarke Prize 2021 Shortlist Announced!
The shortlists are in! We’re excited to announce the 2021 Austin Clarke Prize shortlist results for both Fiction and Poetry. Thank you to judges Francesca Ekwuyasi (Fiction) and Jordan Abel (Poetry), as well as everyone who sent us your amazing work. You’ve helped support The Puritan and made sure this prize will continue, and we can’t thank you enough.
“The date” by Samuel Ugbechie
“Perfect Little Angels” by Vincent Anioke
“The Upper Bright World” by Zilla Jones
“Close Enough” by Tanvi Bhatia
"Playing Possum" by Ian Gillespie
“being against the couple-form” by Jody Chan
“Eternal Lustre” by Khashayar Mohammadi
“shoes” by Anna Veprinska
“Same Ocean” by David Ly
“VOX LINGUA / MALEDICTUM” by Adebe Derango-Adem
“Shelter” and “Restraint” by Erin Soros
Congratulations shortlisters! Stay tuned for when we announce the winners and runners-up on Monday, December 13 with the release of Issue 55!