My Vestibule School
A Cinepoem by Lina Ramona Vitkauskas and Michael Lewy
Explore“My Vestibule School” is from a larger collection of work called Between Plague & Kleptocracy: Invented Poetic Creations & Conversations of Seva & Bill
(Secret Airplanes Press, 2021). The collection was partially funded by PEN America (a COVID relief grant).
Lina Ramona Vitkauskas is a videopoem in human form and Michael Lewy is an AR visual artist extraordinaire.
The two joined forces via Lina’s former publisher and co-conspirators at Mutable Sound ( and have worked on a few poetry and AR projects. Both share a love of French New Wave films and fooling with technology.
Michael’s extensive work can be viewed here:
Lina Ramona’s work can be viewed here: