Issue 41: Spring 2018


Hot Pink

It started with a middle stripe of polish on her perfect big toe. Hot pink.

Subject: Sexy Girl Clean House

Now here’s her idiot brother Kostya pounding on the café window like she’s keeping him waiting.


The first portent was erotic.

Men Explain (or: An Incomplete List of Things Guys Have Said to Me Since Puberty)

But how can I trust you, when you let / someone kiss you when you were single / and drunk and didn’t want to kiss?

Confirmation Bias



Lily of Quito

How To Fold A Paper Crane

Songs To Sing To An Estranged Lover While Secretly Pregnant

Acid Trip in a Portapotty

No Place for a Heart

Wrong Number



The House Concert

Inside, this house is like so many other Calgary homes.

“Why not just kindness?”: An Interview with Joey Comeau

Joey Comeau is the author of four novels and the web comic A Softer World.

“The Atlantic is Full of Ghosts”: An Interview with Alexandra Lucas Coelho

I first learned of Alexandra Coelho’s work at a panel discussion she was on, called “Literature Under Authoritarianism.”

Salt and Wounds: A Review of Divya Victor’s Kith

Discomfort is a fitting affect to describe Divya Victor’s poetry. I

A Life Parallel: A Review of Sina Queyras’s My Ariel

"Judging your mother is like throwing a boomerang.”

Still Life: A Review of Nick Twemlow’s Attributed to the Harrow Painter

Nick Twemlow was born in New Zealand, raised in Topeka, Kansas, and currently teaches at Coe College in Iowa City, Iowa, where he now lives.