Frenship (Or Fernship and the Joyful Noise Stars Make)
an audio collage by Elizabeth Mudenyo
with Fern Ramoutar
an audio collage by Elizabeth Mudenyo
with Fern Ramoutar
You sit with your friend, Fern. You interview her about your friendship. You ask about its origins. You have always seen the stars there. You ask about the hopes for your friendship. You ask about the hardest parts. You reflect on where else you’ve been. You hear it. The jam at your sublet. The striking chords of her own ‘You’re Distracting Me’. The room silent. The Kenwood flash mob at the food court. Out of order and in sync. You meet in the middle and the start. Where you were before and again today.
Elizabeth Mudenyo is a Scarborough-raised poet, community-engaged artist and arts manager. Her poetry chapbook, With Both Hands, is available through Anstruther Press.